Testing Times Shadowfax came with an MOT put on him by MGM motorcycles on the day I bought him and Tax I'd bought only minutes before; insurance was just a phone call away. A year later and all three costs coincide with a needed 16,000-mile service and only 5-weeks following the last expensive rear puncture. Testing times indeed. The Bennets Insurance I raved about last year has shot up to over £300: that's over a 50% increase and I know I am not alone. Utter thriving bastards! On phoning them it seemed my milage did for me, too. Although I am gaining experience with every mile each one penalises me as a higher risk. Bastards, again. So, if I ride 1000 miles in 3 trips over a year I'm less a risk? Fine, obviously the fact I'm "new" to the bike each ride has no stock in this? Idiotic. I digress, but I'm also pleased to not I had 3 quotes from £135 to £175 FC; not bad and they come with similar packages and a lower excess than Bennets. I follow this lead up...