I'm Back Shadowfax and I took a break from blogging for a short while and from the commute, too although this is a permanent break while I re-align the career to something more vocational in the education sectors. Thanks to those concerned that we'd stumbled in the snow - we were fine, but everything got leary at work at the same time, is all. That's not to say we've not been out and about or up to anything useful but life has been enjoyably slower with time to catch up on some DIY (squanderd on alternative distractions) and learning new softwares and brushing up on XHTML, CSS2, and JavaScript while introducing a look-see at iPhone applications, database solutions, and Flash applications (translate, I bought some books I might read). The next handful of posts will act as a catch-up and then we'll get back into some regular swing although I don't see us riding 100-miles every day any more. There's bitter sweetness in that. Sure, the commute could be a bind...