Ticking over
General updating I've taken the time to give Shadowfax a bit of a rub down and id any issues that need addressing. We're pretty much on top of everything having replaced his rear calliper last month - a brave piece of mechanical DIY, if I may say, but not as difficult as I thought. We bought a poorly conditioned used one off Ebay, which is doing the job but the cylinders are badly corroded. The plan was to recondition the old one and sell on whichever I didn't use. The callipers are very expensive to over-haul and given the bike mechanic in Fareham did these just 2-years ago, it makes you wonder what's best. It's £22 to do seals, £98 to do seals and pistons. It's £490 to buy all the calliper parts from a STealer. The main advantage was that I got to take out the rear wheel by myself - a major outcome being to re-moly the drive gear. It may need a disk soon - another £140 with bolts, but which should give back a firm rear brake. The SMC needs some silicone...