Ticking over

General updating

I've taken the time to give Shadowfax a bit of a rub down and id any issues that need addressing. We're pretty much on top of everything having replaced his rear calliper last month - a brave piece of mechanical DIY, if I may say, but not as difficult as I thought. We bought a poorly conditioned used one off Ebay, which is doing the job but the cylinders are badly corroded.

The plan was to recondition the old one and sell on whichever I didn't use. The callipers are very expensive to over-haul and given the bike mechanic in Fareham did these just 2-years ago, it makes you wonder what's best. It's £22 to do seals, £98 to do seals and pistons. It's £490 to buy all the calliper parts from a STealer.

The main advantage was that I got to take out the rear wheel by myself - a major outcome being to re-moly the drive gear. It may need a disk soon - another £140 with bolts, but which should give back a firm rear brake. The SMC needs some silicone spray, but else, the other servicing is all done: even the plugs done at 100,000.

Yes. We're through the 100,000.

Anyway, toward the SW Rally all we really need to do is check the coolant change with Radweld we did back in January is still holding (usual leak in the 'V')and swap out the oils.

Oh, and there's the BMW System 6 leaky helmet still to fix.


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