Snow Joke

Weather Warnings

I've ignored most weather warnings this winter but there's something unsettling about the ones being issued tonight. It snowed (briefly) today and large flakes settled without a problem; some even staying settled long enough to consider checking their Russian papers for a work permit. Worse, there are videos of snow-COVERED motorways and descriptions of the gritting crews expecting to break out ploughs - down here in Hampshire!

Even the Motorways may not be safe?

I'll leave my final decision on whether to ride, or not, to the morning but I am acutely aware the weather changes dramatically on entering and exiting the Meon Valley: just those few miles' difference can result in my being stranded at work if the snow continues throughout the day, or worse stuck on the side of the road incapable of maintaining forward progress. (I've put the Mrs on stand-by to come collect me (with the snatty new trailer if I come unstuck, or stuck depending on your point of view?)

BBc News tonight (Kent): if not snow and slush, just filtering would be tight along this stretch!

Dilemma - the need to prove winter riding vs. a growing realisation any snow lying on less-well-treated roads (any in the UK, then) is a very real danger. I just need to get by the thought that the Alpha will result in long queues and (even more) desperate parking shortages at work.

I don't know if I can be bothered either way but I certainly need to get to work as I am indispensable, pivotal, and essential to the services we provide! (The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of my work colleagues or managerial hierarchy).


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