Picking up the thread in 2024

Looking back at Dorset Commutes

It was 2010.

So redundancy. It should have phased me, but 2 phone calls later and we were trotting through Hampshire toward Blandford in Dorset on our first 3-month contract.

8-months later, I'd earned a year's salary and ridden another 20,000+ miles.

Our preferred route was to gallop down the M27 and on to the A31 to Ringwood, and then turn through Three-Legged-Cross to Hornton and from there to the Blandford and Sailsbury A350 road and cut in the back gate: about 55-miles.

Our best time was 1hr 4min; worst, over 2-hrs, but average around 1hr 10min with a fair spurt on.

We had some thrills - like when the Dorset Steam Fair left one wet single-lane country road swimming in traction engine oil, and a spill when knocked off deliberately by a cock at M27 Junction 10.

I mentioned the preferred route, but more often than not in the warmer months we'd cut across the New Forrest through Fordingbridge. What a ride :)

Of course, the whole milage thing took its toll but having now learned to take both of Shadowfax's wheels off, getting new tyres fitted was miles easier.

2010 to 2024?

We moved to Ireland and Arod joined Shadowfax. Arod did the bulk of commutes from Co. Wexford to Dublin and later to Co. Wicklow up to COVID 19 striking.

Shadowfax was left to rest and Arod too fell to lack of use in 2019. The last big rides involved BritSToc's Irish tour to the West Coast in 2017 and my pal Jules' ride around the Ring of Kerry on his Ducati. He also supported me riding around middle England while my Dad was dying in 2018.

The GoldWing 2018+ took my interest on its first release. I've watched most all the reviews and sat in awe listening to the DCT through speakers. We went to buy a brand new one from Honda Dublin with what my Dad left me and they did little to make or to close a sale. Back orders were 8 months out and they couldn't be bothered to import a white one. 

Brexit's effects made buying one from the UK too expensive. Eventually I gave up on the idea and walked around Arod in the garage, frustrated at the little time and space I had to dig into all the menial tasks needed to set him going again.

As 2024 arrived, I've lost a large number of former colleagues and friends to the slippery slopes of life's bell curves. Mrs G noticed. Time's running out to do all the things we promised to do and seldom find the time to do. We've travelled of course and bought the furniture we like. The GoldWing came up in conversation and we determined - to my surprise - to find a used one in white and get active with it.

In May 2024, Sherbert was advertised for sale in Germany. There's a story starts here.


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