Rolling (Vibrating) Stones


I throttled back out of Droxford to rid myself of a brace of annoyingly slow Micras and noted a vibration at 90, which Honda Portsmouth told me wasn't there. Once home I inspected the rear wheel and found a 1cm sharp pebble embedded in the (new, damn it) rear BT021R. I'm guessing this affected the balancing; well it would, wouldn't it?

Soft Rubber

The thing is, this rear BT doesn't half seem soft compared to the favoured Pilot 2s. It's training up a bit like a racing tyre, too. To be fair I'm riding a little harder and more quickly than usual / before but these Tyres are meant for that style of ride. I do wonder if that's not a factor (being softer) in picking up stones, though.

I'm due a new front soon and need a match for the BT. I just hope these observations aren't indicators of faster wearing, or anything. All the hype on these BT020 replacements suggest they're Pilot2 beating but my feeling is far from that. I was happy with the Michellins and now I'm not sure I can trust their replacements.

Round black things (Records)

Oh, year. If I was to imagine the fastest I'd ridden on a bike and that I'd achieve that this last week it'd have been 110mph. I beat my previous cross-country record homeward run mid-week with a 1hr 11min; a full 6-min faster than the previous best and only 3-min, or so short of my Motorway record! It was a combination of dry corners, well placed traffic, and lucky lights. It'd have been quicker too but for those PESKY Micras!


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