Infamous BMW Bahnstormer Service?

So, I explain to the guy that sold me the BMW System 6 last week how, on Tuesday the helmet had leaked through the closed top vent and down the inside of the sun visor.

He accepted I should be concerned and said that if it leaks he'll be happy to exchange it.

"It does leak", I confirmed. "So, can we exchange it?"

"No". He says, "I want to be sure it leaks".

"It leaks".

The argument was that despite my confirming the vent had been shut he wants me to ride through rain again, check it's shut, that it leaks; and he'll exchange. EVEN THOUGH I HAVE DONE THIS.

I tried one more time and his body language became defensive and slippery.

I am not happy.

Right, fight on Bahnstormer. Fight on. And you're not only going to loose now, but I'm going to make it freaking cost you. Dumb nuts.


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