All revved up and no place to go

Picking one's self up

So, bitter and twisted I escape the demure bitch behind the test centre's bonnet. I'm dejected by failure; through my resentment and feeling of having being cheated the main fact is that I cannot progression to the DAS (but I CAN drive my car with "poor" hazard perception? - Wankers, DSA).

So, I look at 125cc bikes on offer, because, even with poor hazard perception, and the ill-evidenced DSA suggestion the Hazard Perception Test saves lives, I can still ride a 125cc restricted motorcycle on the Highway legally, and as dangerously as I like before a Rozzer picks me up. But, what's available?

Biker Hell

Every Honda, Yamaha, Suzi, MZ, Kwakki, etc. is over £1500 to buy brand new; some are up to £3K! What's worse is that second-hand values are high and to pick up a 125cc bike for less than my Deauville cost looks impossible. Motorcycle News, Autotrader (bikes), local press, local leads: all turn sour because I can't justify a big splashing out on a small bike I won't plan to keep beyond achieving my goal of DAS. I'm in a biker Hell with no place to go. I yearn to start two-wheel commuting and can't get on board.


Next thing, during an E-bay search, I give the Sanya Sy-125-11B a second look.

It's made by Sanya, which has a fledgling website (at time of writing) through that seems to only open every other day before bedtime.

The bike has not had a great deal of coverage on the Net and you're hard-pressed to find much on it at all, really, although I have had a go myself at Review Centre (when it gets verified).

However, LS Imports (see Ebay) in Portsmouth is throwing these things out at near £550, although registration, tax, building, and delivery puts this back up at £700. Another Web-based set up is pushing them out from £950; RRP £1300 (yeah, right). Most reviews give alist of the things poor quality can result in, however, when you see a second-hand Suzi at £750 for a R'reg and then see an "08" plate for £700, it's bound to be tempting, isn't it? And, top it all, think about it today and get delivery tomorrow. Sold.

Too good to be true

Natlee (Natalie) dropped off the crate with my Misses wearing high heels and looking for a hand to lift it (Mrs G doesn't wear such heals, they were Natlee's.) I get home, park up the steaming Alpha, and see a cardboard box with an insurance company's number on the side (more on THAT bomb-shell, later).

The kids and neighbours gather round and out comes a spanner set and a serious dose of dirty jeans for the job. The seller said on the phone, "you just got t'put the handlebars on and the front wheel". I even confirmed, "so even an idiot like me can set it up?" "Yeah, nothing to it; you don't need a mechanic. Look, we can do it for £50". (Budget slipping away) "Nah, s'okay, when can you deliver?"

Ooops. As remarked in reviews (read later):

  • Quick delivery

  • Well crated in a metal frame of giant meccano

  • No instructions (except for the snatty battery with its ant-dissolving acid bottle) - but I chose to ignore these and burned my finger around it's newly acquired knuckle-rash just 6-seconds after opening the acid

  • Build needed: front wheel and axle assembly, clock mount, handlebars and lever gubbings, rear shocks, luggage rack, battery, seat, and fuel.

Just 5-hours after commuting the A32 home I had sixteen mozzie bites, a hand of razor cuts, gnarled teeth, and a bike-looking bike (once I worked out the speedo part of the front spindle, the 3rd re-fit of the seat to get those indicators on, and 3rd fitting of the headlamp once I'd worked out how to feed the front indicator cables). Tra-daa.

Initial Verdict

It looks okay, actually. Once I'd nipped off to get some Unleaded it started first time from it's electric start even without charging the battery. The wheels are snatty - the whole thing looks snatty, but on closer inspection things become less clear as to whether this will be a special relationship or a chore to live with.

I like the clocks, I like the colour, I like the price, but I don't like that cheap-o gear selector assembly, the tool box cover snapping off on first contact, or the lack of instructions to set it up for the road. However, it's a motorised bicycle, it's cheap as chips for a spanking licence plate, and it's written up to do 100mpg.

I did notice the nuts and bolts marked quickly.

Give it a chance, eh?


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