Loosing my Pillions Virginity
Two's Up!
There was a light rain and damp road with a fresh Westerly breeze; a typical British Summer green and grey day. Ka was kiting up in Nikki's black and pink jacket, some trousers, and AJ's pink emblazoned HJC IS16 helmet. Her last pillion was on the back of her brother's bike, which has left her pretty scared of the whole deal. Still, it was she who declared only days ago that she'd feel better as my pillion having followed Dilbert and I back from MSG Motorcycles last Saturday and she would never live down a refusal.
"You know I haven't taken pillion since going through a gate some 17-years ago, don't you?" I asked of her as we left the house. No answer.
I pushed Shadowfax back off the uneven driveway tarmac and into the road and drew him along side the curb for Ka to hop on. She put a foot on the footrest and then raised herself across the seat into position - while I fought hard to keep balance and struggled with my back straining trying to re-balance the handlebars. Settled, we eased off the clutch and went around the estate block to get some feel for the new load.
Once rolling, the Pan is brilliant even with a pillion. The only worries I had were slow speed turns and actually putting my feet down at halts, which weren't all that bad to execute but my fears were screwing around with my brain. We navigated our way around Abbingdon and then back to the house.
Once dismounted Ka asked if I had seen the Honda dealership in the town and whether I'd go to code the HISS key. I offered her a ride with me. To my surprise she agreed.

Abbingdon Honda is quite a cool place; a typically small showroom but more comfortably laid out than Portsmouth. Once the key had been handed over the sales fella took Shadowfax around to the service bay and offered us an opportunity of some coffee. Ka and I sauntered around upstairs to look at the gear and then enquire prices of tank pads (guess why) and a top box. The Honda top box costs £275 (but white is not available) with options on an inner bag (£50), arm rests (£75), and a snatty looking lit spoiler (£250). Bargain. :(

Key coded and £10+VAT parted with I worried where we'd been parked. The fella asured me he'd given this some thought but I couldn't pursuade him, or his colleagues to piss off while Ka and I wobbled out the car park. In the event I barely faultered and we made our way to take fuel from Tesco.
Ka had been briefed to dismount at the pump but to give her space left me a little too far from the pay point on the pump. No dramas, but not an easy reach. I begged her not to re-mount using the peg method and to slide her leg ove first. Although ungainly this saved my back any more abuse. Back aboard we took off back to base and I took an opportunity to pass a HGV "L" rig past the airfield at about 60mph. This has not gone unnoticed: the cross wind caused a down draft just where she preferred not to have one...
..Ka has said she enjoyed the ride though and that the seat was comfy enough to consider a serious tour. Hmmnn...
Anyway, all in all a great day and I've had my pillion cherry broken.
Later, Nikki took the Pan around the estate for a slow-speed bimble. It was cool to see his side lights are such an effective visibility aide in pace of feeling ever-compelled to use head lamp dipped beam. It was good too to hear the Pan from a distance, which I thought was very different to what I expected.