
I F&%$ing hate scoots

Slow traffic through Peel Common and on toward Collingwood. Two scoots buzzing annoyingly behind me. One overtakes.

Now, I didn't overtake as the Pan is easy to get going along a line of traffic but a pig to get back in if there's no room and the bend was blind - this kid just gunned all of his 48cc 2-stroke mosquito imitator and went for it. Good luck to him.

What got my shit was the kid who pulled up on my left-hand-side and rode along with me. I didn't know if I should kick him off his ride or phone for his Mum! In the end I simply gestured with my hand - civil like - not to take my space again else I'd put him in the ditch. Amazing. It worked.


Obviously there are going to be some moped riders you might still respect in the morning!


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