Storm; Tornado, and Tempest

Storm over nothing

"So what?"

I wrote my last bloggette with an error. The Buffalo leather gloves I've parted from Ka are the "Tempest" model, not the "Tornado" as claimed. Now, if this were an argument over aircraft we could get all spotty and hairy-arsed over whether the Hawker Mk. V Tempest could lick it with any of the Tornado aircraft from the B-45 (USA's first jet bomber) to Panavia's GR Mk1+ / F3 Tornado of Great British fame. There's probably a valid point of overwhelming evidence that one could turn another to matchwood in a dog fight (there's a hint) but each is an aircraft, each is a miracle of Human-Kind's achievements, and each was brilliant at the time of their conception and construction but there's better available now.

The "Tempest" Buffalo gloves are every bit as leather, black, and Harley-esque as the "Tornado"; I just get the idea neither can match their name-sakes in nature...

...either way, I sacked wearing them today and returned to my faithful Richa racers, which did me proud in 4-degree rain thrown down by the developing late Autumn tempest.


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