Another Motorbike
Kn's KX60
Kn popped along to his first meet of the Tigers Motorcycle Display Team wearing his new helmet, etc, and arrived in style on the back of Shadowfax. He'd held on well but I felt his grip on my jacket a little vague to give him a treat of Shadowfax's urban acceleration. Later I found he'd been holding on to two belt loops on my jacket: a recipe for disaster if he had been thrown back so I thanked my sense of awe at having my Son on the back and care not to leave him behind at the roundabout.
On arrival we knuckeld down to talking about a KX60 advertised on Ebay and, by luck, found one within the club going for about the same money but with the advantage of a "Club History". Saving 130-miles round trip, and without consulting the business misses, we plumeted for the bike.
Kn had a great time learning to use the gears and just zapping around in circles shifting 1st to 2nd gear. His trainer, Dave, is a most patient bloke and quick to praise success. It's a great environment for Kn to cut his motorcycling teeth.
Piccies below.

Yeah, forgive me for being, or perhaps appearing to be a pushy parent, or for brimming with some pride at the mite's combating his fear and cracking on with learning some quite complex skills pretty quickly but, well; he's almost a chip off the old block.
We rode home on Shadowfax and I sensed I was being assessed for my clutch control and smoothness of gear changes. He's had 10-minutes on a bloody bike and he thinks he's an expert. Perhaps he is a chip off the old block, then?