More Motorcycle Mechanic
Manic Moment
"Hi, It's Pat; the white ST. You called a while ago?"
"Yes", replied our fella from Motorcycle Mechanic, "I've read your blog..."
(Shit! I thought. What did I write? I thought it had been quite positive and forward looking; now I was worried if I had offended.)
"...and I just thought you might like to know I've still got the tyre if you want it."
Now, if that doesn't endear me to the business I don't know what will - except a night out with some lush lap dancers,a couple of pints of local-brewed real ale, and a pre-paid taxi. (Or is that just pushing it a bit? ;)

Gregg thinks I should repair it and flog it and Ka doesn't think I should make a clock out of it. More on that later, I'm sure.