Filthy Helmet
Badger Pooh Showers
We've never felt so dirty! It wasn't torrential rain; just some light soaking type stuff that lay across the mud left on the road at EVERY field's gate and spray from an artic', which kept us too out of the play to see far enough to overtake.

The visor became opaque at the close of the A32 and I was grateful for some heavier rain to cleanse it a little for the latter part of the A331. The damage was done though as I'd had to ride with the visor up for a patch and I knew I had road detritus all across my nose. And that was just on the way up. The way home was worse.

This is an element of Winter I've experienced before but been able to wipe-free by the squirt of window wash so I hadn't figured just how awful it could be on the bike; not really.

Even NIkki's gift wiping finger was useless against the muddy spray. I'm looking at putting a water bottle with spray attachment to hand in the future.
Ka made me wash my helmet before I went to bed.