Birds Eye
Frozen Flesh in Just 1-hour
It was a record that would have gone unremarked; minus 3-degrees. I pulled over at the Pheasant Plucker in Farringdon to take a photo of the temperature gauge but was dismayed to see only a minus 2; common place this week and not worth a photo where I'd just ridden 6 miles at -3! I tried again at my spot in East Tistead; that's the shot below.

The screen was frozen; my visor was frozen inside and out but I was still pretty well okay. I've thrown caution to the wind in saving electricity and turn the heated grips up until my palms near scald through the Richo leather gloves - still performing okay WITH the heated grips. It stops my finger ends from dropping off.

The visor is a pain though - anything below 0-degrees and my breath starts to mist up the lower portion of my vision - on a Pan, that's the mirrors. Then, when I put the visor up at half way at the lights I have this circle of frozen breath blocking my centre vision - it makes you boss-eyed just thinking about it, honestly.
Worst of all though; worse still than having the rear jitter at the roundabouts in Frimley and Farnham, was having a frozen saddle. Cracking the ice less my crack gets iced leaves the vinyl still cold and it sucks the heat from my core. A heated seat is £££; so's an Aston Martin and I dream of owning both with equal vigour.

So frozen within an hour like a Birds Eye pea - that's me this week. But, it's not been all about the cold. The filth splattering over all 4-dimensions of Shadowfax has been unreal! I washed him down on Tuesday as my baby daughter was poorly with suspected Hand, Foot and Mouth and I'd had all I could take of watching her sleep - even with the vomit bowl over her head.

By Tuesday lunchtime Shadowfax looked like he'd taken a spill in a ploughed field.
So, it's been cold, dirty, wet, slippery, and snivelly this week and that's just my nose. I'm beginning to understand why some bikers put their bikes away for winter and hide in the car...but it comes down to range really. My hands don't get cold instantly; nor does my neck or other part. It gets cold over time - about 25 to 28 miles. It's not the Winter that is difficult yet, it's the riding 50-miles each way in the Winter that is challenging. It's all about stamina, longevity, and sticking it out for the long haul.
Bring it on Jack, m'boy. Bring it on. All I see is your sugar-frosting adorning what is already a beautiful vista to be seen over every hedge along my way. You make every trip just a little special; and if you're not available then the Sun, or Moon make every snotty mile entirely worth my while. Nature's wonderful. Perhaps now I appreciate Winter we could move along to Spring? (Please?)