Putting the Brakes on Spending
Emergency Repairs
The front brakes were wearing okay until this week and as much as I'd promised Nige at Taylor's Garage in Droxford to complete the change this was compounded by Mike's (at Motorcycle Mechanic) finding of the rear calliper's piston seals needing attention.
With ice, rain, and rats jumping out at me the brake efficiency suddenly turned nasty and I had to arrange for the nearest garage to take my business to fit in with my Wife's availability as a free taxi service.
It didn't seem a straight forward job either, Mike had a fair Devil of a time freeing the rear system of air by the looks of it. The rear pads also needed replacing (likely from where the piston had them pressed to the disk all the while - they're not all that old, after all - about 3000-miles, I think - but very worn).
At invoicing time I was stopped a little short, though. (I looked brave as the kid was there and I don't like him to see me in a moment of weakness less he takes advantage to bribe me for the last cursed insult breathed about the Mrs as I slashed my fingers on a knife left to "soak" hidden in the washing up bowl under the bubbles).
I had expected the genuine Honda pads to cost a little more than the Ebay set of 3 for £40; and I don't think Mike's time is as frugal as Nige's; and there were those seals and their replacing, etc. but £160 was far above the budget I'd expected (albeit in my naive way) at about £90. Even Kn repeated what he thought Mike had said, "£116?". And that's NOT whinging about Mike or his costing, either; just the unexpected cost of biking and my lack of appreciation of it.
Ka soothed the pain in my wallet by recounting the facts Matt drove home only a week previously on the phone; that there are two most important bits on a bike (the tyres - sorted), then the brakes (now sorted), and then the idiot in control of them (still needs sorting, if you ask me).
Ka is convinced the cost is worth her peace of mind - and convinced me of mine, too. She also liked the cut of Mike's jib and thoroughness to complete the job to be certain Shadowfax rides safe without what she sees as verbal flannel to "watch this", or "wait for that" in a false hope of an economy.
I agree. She's the one that waits for me to get home safe each night: I only want to.
I just don't need any other expenses this side of the MOT in July...although I'm rapidly heading for a light service, I know. (Time to learn some DIY, I guess, or to ask for some supervisory help from Gregg?)
On the other hand, Shadowfax is the King of all bikes I could choose, or hope to ride (I've gone off the BMWs, pretty as they are and I don't really want to ride the Hayabusa - yet) and we're cracking on through some serious milage in rain and other salty weathers and even the Alpha costs its unfair share due to its power and abilities: I should expect to pay a premium for the privileges Shadowfax affords me.
I just hope I can continue to afford HIM.
(Commiseration and consolement was helped by ordering that rear cowling, by the way. Just don't tell the Mrs!)
Mike also remembered to throw that flat tyre back at me to repair and flog or keep for a rainy day, or to cut in half and annoy Ka with a stunningly modern, topical, and interetsing to all our future visitors Road-Pilot2 clock (as well as one to flog for vast profit on Ebay - 's bound to make a fortune to offset the repairs, that!)....(eh?)
