
Surveying the (Most) Visible Spectrum

There's good evidence on the web that the human eye responds well to fluorescent yellow among street furniture and other vehicula detritus: the emergency services each use the lime-yellow "day-glow" with their emergency "lights" (by Law) stickie reflective blues, greens, and reds.

Sensible Police rider with conspicuality all over him and the bike

It must be worth considering sticking some on Shadowfax, too then? After all, big and white as he is (when not covered in minced-badger shit) we still seem to disappear into the scenery at junctions. It's something to do with the human eye behind a windscreen being inable to recognise the shape or presence of a bike, or something?

I don't know if I could live with myself dressing him up too "Policey" but I've done another of my "artist's impressions" to have a think about the implications of wacking some fluorescence on his snout (or forehead and ears if you see his lamps as eyes...)

By day

By night

Silly, or sensible? It seems a fine line.

I've also had a chat with fellow plodder, Ian. He's got a snatty looking jacket from at £15.50 (still at the now irksome 17.5% VAT). My singlets, aside from fading in the rain dont help the side aspect of night-time visibility. Long sleeves seems the deal - again, the emergency bike riders wear full jackets for a reason.

Full Luminoscity Jacket

The jacket's on its way although I'm also looking at a waterproof version (£22) on the same site as well as Behrings latest "Safety" range (from £29 to £189) and that Heinke Get-rich beauty I saw at their shop in Aldershot the other month though, at £300 I may only have a look at it.


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