Bikers' Bollocks
Riding Comfort
When the wind is only a breeze I can cruise sensibly at 80mph on the A31 and A331 but as soon as a sheep farts in the next field the wind buffeting and noise around my helmet (on my head) is outrageous.
I'm looking at buying a Vario screen from HPS, which is one of those snatty screens with a variable geometry spoiler fixed to its upper surface; meant to adjust where the shifted air will flow to, or over. They have limited reviews on line and seem to have mixed press. It can't be worse than the Dilbert's screen is, can it?
I'd prefer a taller (but not as tall as my touring screen) version but there's not much else I've found for the bike. I just hope it eases some of that buffeting!
Where does the judgement that bikes can be, "refreshing", or the idea that you can ride 400-miles in a day and still feel fresh at the end of the journey? This is bollocks. My wrists are sore and my thumb joints are both in pieces - I've had to strap my clutch hand just so I can pull the lever in.
Another Bob (a real Harley fanatic with frequent tours over Europe) spotted that my riding position might demand raising my handlebars that will raise my arms and straighten my back, putting more weight on by backside (like there's not enough there already) and therefore taking the pressure off my wrists and thumbs. This sounds sensible. I saw some expensive spacer gadgets on ebay only last night, in fact. (See below).
These are listed for an XL at £30. If they come with extended bolts and an idea of the torque settings I may try a set. At the moment I'd try anything. I thought it'd settle (as it had for some time with the Phut-Phut) but it's just getting worse. The effect is first to make me miserable and second to make me lazy on the clutch and front brake. This isn't a great idea as I increase my confidence and begin to ride more quickly and look to pass the odd line of traffic!
It doesn't spoil my fun entirely, then!