Most of the Weather


"Yeah", I recall each of you saying at some point in our bike-hunting for Pat conversations. "A fairing'll keep most of the weather off you".

Exactly what bit of the weather do you old-sweat bikers mean?

In the harsh late June summer Sun the heat made my arse slippery with sweat, my hands damp with perspiration, and my armpits soaked in lost body fluid. In the harsh mid-autumnal rain of latter days here in July the water on my seat made my arse slippery with rain, my hands damp with precipitation, and my armpits soaked in a flood of sweat because it was still bloody hot!

The fairing doesn't help when stationary at lights, or slow-filtering traffic. In fact, it doesn't do a hell of a lot of good at any speed up to and including those reserved for moments of exhilaration or calculated dash to avoid the raindrops. The best it seems to do is prevent insects splattering over my knees and diverting them to my calves or my visor (it's difficult to know which are still twitching in the wind, too, isn't it?)

So, what bit of the weather is "most"? Sorry, but my fairings and screen; my 3-point protective jacket and waterproof gloves: in fact the lot doesn't keep any weather out, really; at least not the weather need kept out at the time. And, if I'm cold at speed I'm boil-in-the-bag when filtering if I put the warms on; reverse if I don't.

Am I whinging? Perhaps then, today of all days, I should really just have taken the freakin' car?
Even my pussy felt like a drowned rat today


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