Clucking Bell! More theiving bas%rds

Key Statement

So, I called Portsmouth Motorcycles up on the phone and laughed at how lucky I was not to have broken the key in the barrel, how fortunate I was to have Green Flag all wrapped up in my Churchill car insurance, and how much I was looking forward to going through all the security stuff with them so they could order me a new key. The reply? "You need servicing department, mate. I'll put you through."

So I explain again (as one does when calling any company these days due to the stupidity of argument behind the efficiencies of call centres staffed by numb skulls without a freaking clue what to do with you if you come off the scripts laid out in front of them in their battery-telephonist compartment. Let them free - let them roam free-range, and maybe - just maybe - we could improve their intelligence by a whole IQ point across the Globe?).

"Ah"; that ominous pause while bad news is prepared, "Honda don't keep a stash of keys so you'll need to replace the lock set in any case".

Lock set

The lock set is:
    Ignition barrel
    Glove compartment
    Fuel cap
    Seat lock

And how much damage will this set me back? "About £360 including VAT"
And is that fitted? "No."
How do I remove the locks? The seat lock is key (pun) to accessing the luggage lock? "Get a locksmith to drill them out and then ride the bike over to us".
!?! F%$ing &%$£$%$%$%g ^%$%s

This was Monday morning with work to get to including a trip to HQ in High Wycombe and the car would be a drag getting out of town. Not much time to think; so little to plan.

I hit Google (love it, pornography, geometry, and poxicology - they're related in my mind - all in one easy to access wrapper where you can ignore the adverts). Then I hit because I didn't have time to learn about key facts surrounding global warming or those wanting the key to my heart - maybe later?

Up come locksmithies. So I phoned one locally. Then it was straight into here's my problem, this is my plan, should I super-glue the freaking key back together? "Not a problem...not guaranteed...get the key blank...bring it in...and we'll see if we can't cut the new one from the old one." I was so elated I didn't ask the price. Mind you, the thieving bastards within Honda are charging me a whopping £18-50 for a non-HISS blank to be ordered in. Ka collects tomorrow and will orchestrate the cutting.


Something Different

For less than Honda dealership charges for a blank look at these custom jobbies from, Keynuts (USA).

These are superb keys and well worth a ponder into the piggy bank if this Plan A comes to the fore. I wonder if they do a SA80 bayonet version?


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