Slide In sister
Nikki's Skate
Nikki is a sensible rider, she tells me, even if she is related to my Wife. She has a good value Suzi GPZ, which she looks after, keeps under cover, and my niece falls asleep on the back of because Nikki is so boring riding down the what I'm told.
I do not expect Nikki to fall off; nor even, to be pushed off. I'm proud of Nikki's instructor qualifications across a range of vehicles and although she tailgates dangerously in the car (yes, you do!), she's getting on a bit and wouldn't pass as a speed-pushin' biker idiot. Surely? If she could grow a beard any better than she does she'd ride a Harley, for goodness sake.
Nikki fell off. You have no idea what this has done to my (up to now) burgeoning confidence and id. This is Nikki. She fell off. In fact she fell off rather stupidly by the sound of it; part due to speed ("speed is always a contributory factor"), partly due to her speed while someone else was stopping, and partly because she was out on her bike while it had a running problem. There's nout like a suddenly open throttle while banking for a corner into a set of red lights and a parked car is there, Chick?
Anyway. Nikki fell off.
Thankfully she's "FINE", (F&cked up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional) so no psychological damage caused, and also thankfully she got straight back on board following the accident. But the real damage is to me (sorry Nik, you've had your sympathy).

Sure, Taff could easily fall off when physics leaves tarmac (he did, actually), even Ian could drop his Pan while plodding into a pub car park (he did, actually); Joules would most as like fall off if luck wasn't on his side (yes, he has), Mark would slide at 15-mph fracturing his ankle-wrist-shoulder so he had to ask for a hand to take a piss (yep, Mark did that - okay, he tells us all it was 150mph and the hands were, "expert"), and Mat wouldn't fall off his Ducatti but might scratch his mini in Sainsbury's car park (has she not told you yet?). But, Nikki shouldn't fall off.
Hmnnm. I don't like this.
Echos of Gary at Paragon, "there are two type of bikers; those that have fallen off, and those that will fall off." I hope my slips and gate-crashing of youth count, then!
(Take it easy, Sis'. But, boy, are you in for a nagging from Ka!)