Phut Phut to Phut Off

Sold Out

Phut Phut enjoyed a quiet week on Ebay and I've had to watch him go after just 2-bids at £500. Ce la vie!?

I've agreed to deliver (local) and after charges and replacing that tax disk that fell off I'm on about £460; so a total loss of some time and £240; or 10-days Alpha petrol at the height of Gordon's summer madness.

It's not been the best investment portfolio but look at it how Ka sees it;
  • I saved on bike hire

  • I gained experience at £4.25 per day fuel

  • I learned why chain drive is pants

  • I took a motorbike apart (having earned the ability from half-building it)

  • I did a carb

  • I got scared from 40mph through to 60mph

  • I dropped and replaced boiling oil with only a minor scald

  • I have memories on which to compare if Dilbert gets to seem uncomfortable

  • I gained the confidence to jump on and ride Dilbert

Fair points, all, but I'd have liked to have been closer to breaking even and can't help feeling disappointment. At least I can get half the insurance back and there'll be less clutter about the driveway.

It's a shame to see Phut-Phut going though. It distracted the cats from weeing on Dilbert.


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