1 April - Coldest Ride winter 2009 – 2010

F'ing Freezin'

Shadowfax and I came 7th in the ST-Owners Coldest Ride 2009-2010 (http://www.st-owners.com/forums/showthread.php?t=73826) with -9C (link: http://www.st-owners.com/forums/showpost.php?p=905303&postcount=304.)

Everything was fine until the last stretch of the A33 dual carriageway which was 'swervy' icy (only -3C) with a terrifying pile-up on the oncomming lanes on a local 'frozen blizzard'. That's the closest I've come to horizontal, I think. I had to loose speed quickly via the engine which limited traction from the rear and was difficult for a time. With 2 trucks and a gaggle of cars sleuing in the mirrors I decided it was a bad idea to slide so just rode through it holding my breath.

Its a shame; the roads were in excellent condition as you can just see in the photo except that last stretch and there were no warning signs and we were all topping 80mph. In Dorset and Devon this weekend any if not all real ice / residual snow-slush was signed. This local Reading council seems exceptional.

Still, it made the tale a little more exciting than only recounting that the back of my neck was cold and that I'd like sheepskin liners in my boots.

And - wait for it - I get to wear the (long sleeved) T-shirt!


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