1 May - Milestones

The smiles and miles

    21 February and Shadowfax turned 75,000 miles old.

    26 March and Shadowfax turned 77,777.7 miles old.

    19 April and Shadowfax turned 80,000 miles old.

As of 30 April and I’m not looking any more! However, Shadowfax is no No.7 in the ST-Owners 2010-2011 mileage statistics, (see http://www.st-owners.com/forums/mileage.php), which for some of these riders is obviously some kind of competition! (Can't see it myself).

The next Brit is Peter (of Exeter) with 5,754 miles this year. Shadowfax is on 10,333 miles since January. Put that in perspective: top dogs are over the 20,000 mile barrier!


We were awarded a 50,000 mile award on our avatar but I had to give it back. That’s for 50,000 ridden by the owner on one bike. Given Shadowfax arrived with just shy 44,000 miles that means we’re not actually that far off any way. Certainly, we should be seeing that award again around 94,000 miles – perhaps another 6-months?

I shouldn’t be whiling away his miles but they’re just so easy to do. He’s an excellent bike and has looked after me through all manner of situations. The nice thing is, despite his getting older he’s always getting cleaner. The exhausts are now without a mark, which compared to when I bought him is no mean feat. Similarly his handlebars look much better for polishing out all the scratches – and as for his bodywork? Well, now we know how to take the tar off, just watch this space.

The only downside is stone chips and his still-grey mirror cowl. But that’ll be sorted before too long.


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