4 May 2010

Solent Advanced Motorcyclists AGM

It was the SAM's AGM and I was sure Peter said it started at 1900hr. I rode down from Reading via the A33 and M3 / M27 like a banshee to make it on time and at precisely 1855hr I was 30min early.

Consoled with hot water for my Red Bush (And vanilla) tea, I chatted a while about the HG gear another gent owned and thought warm given his 2hrs in a French mountain snowstorm and I couldn't help feel he had no idea what it was like day-in-and-out, or how -9C felt!

Peter W and Scott tipped up about the same time and before we could get large on our lives the AGM was called to order. Everyone voted except me. A point of decorum; I'm not a member and not eligible to. It made me a voyeur but I'm sure there are other more exciting activities to watch.

After the meeting we broke out for a buffet tea. Peter W and Scott (newly voted to be the Treasurer) finally hooked up and THEY chatted about riding styles in the club. In particular, about gears in corners; low gears make better handling in a bend...so I probably went rather too obviously quiet as I thought this prime objective of mine through...


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