15 March-Shadowfax looses a bolt and goes nuts Part 1
Shadowfax goes native and squirrelly!
The Michelin Pilot Road 2 front had completed over 16,000 miles by my reckoning and still had a little tread left. I was just aware it was getting close to the legal limit being almost on the wear bars about the centre and beginning it characteristic ‘cupping’ between the tread bites. The rear Bridgestone BT020 was just being darned disappointing; nearly down to the canvas about its middle after barely 8,000 miles. Handling was fine.
Shadowfax then went in for service at Honda Portsmouth Motorcycles. Immediately after being told the tyre should be changed soon I began to really notice some handling problems however. The front was unruly in the twisties and Shadowfax’s whole demeanour changed to being unsure-footed and difficult to ride at speeds above 30mph. Following traffic always presents some turbulence, but here Shadowfax was twitching all over the road – once nearly sending us both involuntarily across the median line. Something was seriously threatening our safety – could it be the tyres? Well, the mechanics said they needed doing pronto – maybe?
I booked in for the tyres at Portsmouth Motorcycles with a web-beating £220 fitted and was thankful I was getting Shadowfax re-shoed during some time off as I wouldn’t have to ride him in that dangerous condition anymore.
Little did I know the dangerous condition was NOTHING to do with worn tyres…