26 May 2010: Pan Clan Can
Meeting the Clan
What's this prejudice I've held for the Pan-Clan? Well, I guess they present themselves in an exclusive way – its not being free membership, and what have you. That and I'm not used to clubs. I also have trouble with the magazine and web designs, but thats the same for almost everything except National Graphic, which I love and enjoy a subscription kindly given for my Birthday last year.
So, what's better than to face your prejudices to make them opinions than to go meet the crowd.
I left work late to time my arrival at the middle-of-nowhere pub location on time and briefed my Wife I'd like as not be home early if I needed to excuse myself.
On arrival I parked up and lurked while a couple of couples and a mad man on a Norton 850 'electric start' invited me to sit on his prize. (It felt like my old Sanya, Phut-Phut, but I didn't let on). After introducing myself I recognised the bloke from HG who'd given me a Pan-Clan leaflet a few weeks before and was brought into the pub and venue.
It's a lovely place to meet – a small country pub with a hint of age and something awful in its decorative history reckoned to have been late 70s. Still, the 'clan have a back room booked and it was bedecked with original beams, large fire place, and comfy-looking leather settees. 4 tables were laid for dinner. Smart.
As the club formed up a few ordered what looked like quality bar meals while others just assembled with their drinks. A tall grey chap with gold-rimmed glasses (Dave) monopolised me for much of my time there and we chatted through my road rage in a car – to his raised eyebrows – and recent quest for maturity. He responded by enthralling me with the tales of his and his wife's trips on his ST1300 and an engaging discussion on Garmin sat-navs.
Ken (we met at Popham earlier in the month) did an informal meeting thing and opened by welcoming me to the group, which was very much appreciated. It was a warm reception. There followed some disorganisation of a raffle and ride-out, but I was relieved there was no starch; no ex-colonels or police instructors strutting their importance, or anything – just ordinary people thinly related by their ownership of the Honda Pan European.
By 9pm most members were ready to leave. I needed to to get home anyway, but I'd have happily chatted another hour, or more. It was a very pleasant evening.
I'm going to join – and the idea of a good meal next visit is just too good to pass up!
I do continue my prejudice: I think its the whole 'Pan' thing. I've always addressed Shadowfax as my ST1300; hardly ever comfortable with the Pan European title because of the way people then say, “ooh, you've got a 'Pan”. No, he's an ST1300. All this despite the Pan handle (see, there's the first pun) being printed on his dash. I also dislike the “Pan-Clan” thing. Clan? Urgh – surely something more imaginative!? Also, and this is hard to swallow, the magazine if 'Pantasia'. Nooooo!
Anyway. I'm going to join. The marketing might be crap but the people were superb and Karen will be welcome if she opts to pop along as pillion. And that's what counts in my book.