DAS Day Three


Phut-Phut was almost a joy to ride this morning albeit the tick-over being a little quick, stating being difficult, and the clutch needing adjusting, which I had forgotten to do in good time. But, even as a first-thing ride I missed the sure-footedness of the GS500. Call me a slut, but I was looking forward to getting my leg over Bluey and turning it on; riding Phut-Phut was just an act of necessity.

Duncan and Mat were already in when I tipped up just in time to grab a quick brew before Dave Baggers called for us to get our bibs on and saddle up. Dave B is my third instructor in three days. It's just another style; no problem, but it's useful getting a new opinion to balance those already delivered.

We rode with Duncan to the front and Dave B behind him. I rode at the rear, which I loved as it gave me a chance to use the GS's acceleration more than I, perhaps should. My favourite bit was coming out of Collingwood toward Fareham where I kept getting left behind at the roundabouts and cut off from the others at the last junction before the old railway level crossing. As I crested the bridge over the Gosport Road I could see Gordon leading toward the next roundabout some 300m to my front. Dave had already called to stay in the left lane, although we were going North on the A27 (left at the next light-controlled roundabout). Dave came over the radio, "Patrick, use the riht lane if you want to catch up".

Too f&%$ing right! I'd already filtered into the left so life-saved right and blatted through to and through the roundabout at good speed - no more than 33mph, but given the volume of traffic it felt faster. I just timed my run perfectly to draw in behind Dave at the lights. Although I do this run most days the 500 really made it effortless - a freedom I exploited far more today than might be considered healthy!

We also found a new cafe - quite cultured following the usual slop, er, stop. It's a small pump house, or something on the old quay in Gosport with gazebos outside and nice bistro-style garden mock-wicker furniture. Smart - and a good rest stop. Lunch was taken in Sainsburys! Why the others do cheesy chips in the slop, I just don't know, especially as tea and sausage rolls, etc. are almost as third more expensive? Hey, but each to their own. I enjoyed the change.

We took a ride out to a Suzuki shop out in Burseldon via Wycome, which saw us fair blat down some modest B'roads and lots of fast roundabouts. Excellent fun: it had me smiling. None of the bikes took my fancy except two; one was a sit-up-and-beg SY650(?) (not SV) or something and the other was that curvacious thing named after a blackbird killer. Nice.

This is soooo me! (Hayabusa)

On the way back we came via Hillhead and Tichfield flats, or whatever they're called acros the sea marshes and Andy (Mat's lead) later told me off for blatting with poor position. Yesterday I was getting told off for not blatting. I was happy blatting. (Point taken, but...)

There was some serious stuff, too. Emergency stops and U-turns, which came more easily today but I know a little stress can change everything so it's not like I'm overly confident about...


Yes, test day is tomorrow at "1308hrs".

To help calm down this evening and to compensate for the ride back home on Phut-Phut (feeling decidedly weedy) I played with Dilbert. Karen jumped on the pillion and we cruised the driveway with the kids as outriders. Then I washed the standing grime of him from under his garden furniture cover and gave him a cleansing quality wax polish. He's looking good enough to take out tomorrow afternoon if fortune favours me. I'm really getting nervous - time to sign off. It's distracting. (Wish me luck!)


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