Gordon Bennetts!

Bennets Insurance Supermarket Administration Grab

So, I think, "hey! I'd best let the insurance company know I passed my test" seeing as my policy was set up on my provisional licence for a month, changed out of necessity to provisional with CBT else I'd loose the deal within a month. (See previous posts).

So I phoned up and informed a nice lady that I am now a qualified rider. "That'll be £25 administration fee", she says. "Bollocks, that!" Said I.

Some deals!!

In the end she had to ask a supervisor to deal with me because I argued that if I had known that announcing my change in licence (in accordance with the policy's demands to give notice of any changes) would cost me £25 I wouldn't have told them until it came to re-newal. In fact, I thought I'd have had a rebate as my risk was reduced!

The argument clinched it. A remark has been left on my policy notes that I have passed the test but no changes have been made to the policy and therefore, no charge.

Bennetts. Get a grip. You make enough money from insurance risk broking: that's what insurance is and why it's soooo steep for we punters - to off-set younger f'wits that buy superbikes and loose them. Stop fleecing on "administration" fees. Freaking theiving crimnials.


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