Poor Account of Barclays

Banking on Barclays Motorcycles

It's a shame, really. Barclays Motorcycles in Bournemouth (where I bought Dilbert from at the close of April) let me down. I can forgive that but I can't forgive their dishonesty.

I phoned Colin up at the weekend to check on whether he'd remembered to send off the DVLA V5 log-book, which I knew he was awaiting off the former owner. "Yeah", he claimed, "I did that immediately; it should be with you."

I called Paul at the DVLA who advised printing a V62 off their web site and attaching my V5-slip so as I wouldn't receive a charge for their service. In the post now; job done. Funny bit, though. He did quite a lot of checks for me while I waited to see whether the bike was recorded stolen, or otherwise lost, and on whether any application had been made by Barclays to record me as the new keeper. "No. NOTHING has been received", he said.

Colin. All you had to do was apologise for an honest ommission or mistake; not flounder claiming to have done what you clearly didn't do. Let's hope Dilbert's condition proves more honest than you appear when Nige and Bob have finished giving it the once-over.


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